
Introduction - Nikola Tesla & Royal Rife

We can’t introduce Spooky2 without  mentioning the famous quote of Nikola Tesla: “If you want to find out the secret of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. To understand Sooky2 Technology it is also important to take knowledge of Royal Rife work and what a Rife machine is.

Spooky2 -The Technology

While, as seen with Tesla and Royal Rife’s work, the technology is not new, an international team of electronics engineers, technical designers, software developers, and Rife practitioners have worked very hard (initially without being paid) to build a machine inspired by the original Rife machine. Their goal was to create a technology relatively easy to use and that everyone can afford. 

Spooky2 was the name of their first machine and it was released in 2013. It is the most highly advanced  and versatile Rife machine that is today on the market. 

Spooky2, now name of the company – and I will explain later why they choose such a name – is not like most of manufacturers, they are not interested in profit. For more info: www.spooky2.com

Spooky2 is big on training their customers. You can find a great number of tutorials on their Youtube channels as well as discussions on Facebook, newsletters and forums. Let’s not forget to mention John White, the main Engineer and software developer behind Spooky2. John is often present in the background to help answering questions during Spooky2 webinars. 

My experience with Spooky2 has been very positive. I often use the Biofeedback which helps to track and get rid of pathogens quickly and even accelerate the process of healing injuries. I also imprint my water with specific frequencies.

Generator XM

Generator XPro

Frequencies can then be delivered through various mode of transmission which are listed below.

  • Contact Mode through simple DC electricity routed to handheld electrodes or Ten Pads etc.
  • Radio Waves: transmitted through a Plasma tube or antenna (see Plasma Machine).
  • Remote Mode which is the mode I personally use the most. It is based on Quantum physics principle of the antenna properties of DNA to transmit through, what physicists call non-local space. This mode of transmission if also called Quantum Entanglement – called by Albert Einstein “The Spooky Action at a Distance” – It is why the company is called Spooky2 . It means that any part of a single system removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on that part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system and vice versa. Your fingernails are part of a single system – that system is you. So when frequency energy is transmitted to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you – and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body, your DNA. This is a very important concept to understand specially when dealing with new Quantum technologies. The best part of Spooky2 system is that you can run a bioofeedback scan using a biological sample (urine, blood or saliva) or by having the contact pads directly attached to your body. The results obtained (set of Frequencies) can then be transmitted to your body using Spooky2 technology to solve the targeted issue. The remote mode is particularly practical because you don’t need to stand next to the generator to receive the frequencies; just sandwich your fingernail in between two stickers, place this in the remote device,  connect it to the generator, start the program and walk away. You could be miles away, it will still work. More info on Spooky2 website.
  • PEMF – Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, is a safe and natural way to literally recharge your body. PEMF targets your body at a cellular level to stimulate cell metabolism and improve your health. They are none of the harmful side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs and mediacl procedures. The use of PEMF coil has been reported succesfully on a numerous number of injuries and back pains. You can also use the PEMF coil to imprint water, stickers or crystals with specific frequencies.
  • Cold Laser – Cold Laser also called Low Level Laser therapy (LLT) uses safe non-thermal light photons to accelerate the body’s natural healing process. The light energy can penetrate right through all the layers of our skin in a precise, short-term, and effective way. It uses light for biological adjustments, and the cells are stimulated by low-energy lasers. The phototherapy is safe, painless and non-invasive. It can induce or enhance physiological reactions such as promoting call metabolism and proliferation. Because light has the characteristic of easily penetrating the skin without the need for a medium and generating a thermal effect, it can accelerate the human blood circulation, enhance tissue repair and promote lymphatic drainage. A series of physiological changes can achieve anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and promote wound healing and other treatment purposes, to achieve a healthy state of balance. Photomodulation irradiates cells with low-energy visible light, to stimulate the cells energy factory – the mitochondria to promote more energy, thereby prolonging the cell’s life cycle and achieving the purpose of treatment. This is the same as plant cell that relies on sunlight to produce energy through photosynthesis. After cold laser treatment, it is recommended to drink warm water to enhance the body metabolism. The efficacy of cold laser treatment is: 
  • Increases mitochondrial ATP synthesis
  • Increase white blood cell phagocytes
  • Increases angiogenesis – new blood vessels formation from pre-existing ones
  • Increase collagen and protein synthesis – wound healing process
  • Reduces the amount of prostaglandin 
  • Increases cell viability
  • Improves the immune system
Cold laser therapy is normal applied for 30 min.
You have 2 options to deliver the Cold Laser treatment:
1.  Cold Laser Wrists which are designated to be worn around the wrist, where it can easily treat the entire blood supply, the carpal tunnel and the meridian complex, but it can also be used on other areas.
2. Cold Laser Twin which is used for pinpoint application to any area of the body and can be used in the mouth, or inserted into ear, canals and nostrils.
Please note that it is not recommended to user Cold Laser on the thyroid or any cancer spot.
Not like with the other modes of transmission, Cold Laser can be used above the shoulders, or on your face but it is required to use UV protection glasses – supplied by Spooky2 with any cold laser accessory – during treatment.
I also use Cold Laser wrists to imprint my water with specific frequencies. 

Accessories for Transmission

Ten Pads


Cold Laser Wrist

Cold Laser Twin


Spooky2 Scalar

The key of healing is information. Our cells communicate using Scalar Field, when this information is blocked, our health deteriorates.

Spooky2 Scalar can be used in Different Ways

Spooky2 Scalar can restore our body’s naturel healing mechanisms. Spooky2 Scalar is made of two black cases – a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is tuned on and the person in between the two cases receives life-giving scalar waves. Spooky2 Scalar system offers 3 types of Scalar energy described below:

Pure Scalar

This is the easiest way of applying healing scalar energy because nothing special needs to be done. Tune the Scalar, then seat or lie between the transmitter and the receiver.

Molecular Scalar

The Scalar signal can be enhanced by placing a substance on the receiver coil. The molecules within the sample will change the signal between the lids of the transmitter and the receiver. This is called modulation. You will receive a curative effect of the chemical. The substance can be essential oil or medicinal drug or vitamin. For example you can place peppermint oil on the receiver coil and you will receive the benefit of what this particular oil can provide.

Rife Scalar

The third way to improve waves is Rife modulation. It combines the discovery of Royal Rife with Nikola Tesla. 

Royal Rife found that pathogen respond to a particular frequency. Spooky2 can apply this frequency using healing Scalar waves. Only Spooky2 Scalar can modulate the original frequencies of Royal Rife. The Biofeedback tools of Spooky2 are even more accurate when using this Scalar technology. Also if it is not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool, Spooky2 Scalar can test for any chronic disease you can imagine. After your Spooky2 Scalar is tuned, connect a Spooky2 generator – Gen Xpro – to the generator port on the transmitter box. Sit in between the transmitter and the receiver while programs/presets are running. Spooky2 Scalar accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database – more than 50,000 frequencies.

Spooky2 Central

Spooky2 Central with the appropriate accessories is one of the most powerful Rife Machine on the market and with its low cost Spooky2 made it very accessible to the general public.

Spooky2 Central - Modes of Transmission

To generate the desired frequency presets Spooky2 Central will need to be used either with either Generator XM or Generator XPro as well as Spooky2 software.

Spooky2 Central can transmit frequencies up to 3.5 MHz. Every component that is used to build the machine is military grade. It is like an amplifier which makes Spooky2 Central very efficient. It is often used for serious illness specially when used with the Plasma Tubes – see below and various presets like “Terrain”, “Healing”, “Killing” and “Biofeedback”.

Central with 4 accessories and 1 generator - left to right:
- PEMF Coil
- Contact Pads
- Ultrasonic Wand
- Generator XM
- Phanotron Plasma Tube on the top

The modes of transmission are:


The PEMF Coil has been mentioned above. It is versatile and even more effective when used with Spooky2 Central. It creates powerful magnetic fields that pulse one hundred times a second, delivering spike of energy at the end of each pulse. The fields are globular, and they extend 6 inches from the coil, making it perfect for problems whose locations are known. It can penetrate deep into the tissue which makes it an unique tool. 

Contact Mode

Contact mode was mentioned above. It can be used with or without the central but needs to be use in conjunction with either Gen XPro or GenXM.

Ultrasonic Wand

Ultrasonics are vibrations of frequencies greater than the upper limit of the audible range for humans.

Ultrasound is not different from normal audible sounds in its physical properties, except that those sounds conduct far better in water and solids than it does in air. Since our bodies are 70% water, ultrasonic can flood the entire body with frequencies, making it a very powerful device.

Plasma Mode

It uses a high frequencies output so during treatment you can move around and still get some type of exposure. Plasma mode is the most popular transmission mode used by people who use the Central device. Spooky2 offers various Central kits with various accessories you can choose from. Plasma mode can be carried through 2 different tubes:

Phanotron Tube

Phanatron Tube is the tube originally used by Rife – successful on Cancer clinical trials.  It contains Helium. It is designed for localized treatments. The coil inside has an angle to direct the flow of frequencies where the treatment is needed – concentration of energy.

Straight Plasma Tube

Straight tube emits frequencies in every single direction. It is used to address issues in the whole body. It contains Argon gaz. 


Spooky2 helped this woman to lower her high blood pressure

Ear infection & Eye Floaters Gone within Days!

This woman solved her daughter’s ear infection overnight using spooky2 in remote mode. She also managed to get rid of floaters in her eyes after two weeks treatments. 

Spooky2 on Skin Hives and Sport Injuries

This is Tony great story about getting rid of skin hives after running one of Spooky2 detox protocoles. He also uses Spooky2 on regular basis to help with sport injuries related issues.

Spooky2 Made Tracy Monthly Cycle Pain-free Via Contact Mode

Tracy had great results using Spooky2, the first day of her monthly cycle. She experimented with various contact mode programs and managed to ease the pain.

Healing A Severe Case of Brain Damage

This is a beautiful story of Alex, a man who decides to heal from a 27 years old brain injury. Alex uses the Spooky2 Plasma Central. He notices stimulation of his nervous system and daily improvements of his motricity.