Tesla Coil

The brilliant inventor and research physicist named Nikola Tesla introduced to the world a wireless technology that has been updated for a wide variety of applications that we used almost without a second thought today. He developed the alternating current  (AC) that is still the platform for today’s electrical inventions. He worked for Edison before venturing out on his own to use his genius  in the revolutionary world of electricity. In about 1891 Tesla invented the Tesla Coil which is high voltage transformer that is still the standard for pulsing magnetic fields.

This Tesla technology, used in many ways in the marketplace already, is only now coming to a broader, mainstream awareness.

What can this technology do for us and how does it accelerate the healing process? Through the basic principles of electromagnetism: an electrical current is passed through a conductor resulting in a magnetic field that can be manipulated by adjusting the amount of current and the frequency – pulse per second – of that current which is directed to the Tesla Coil at the heart of the machine. This creates a pulsing action that turns the magnetic field off and on. Research has identified the optimum ranges of frequencies and strength of current that result in the most healing PEMF- pulsating electro magnetic field – therapy. Each magnetic pulse results in a very small electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair in injured tissues. 

PEMF Mode of Action

Magnetic Fields are not absorbed by the body but pass right through it. They permeate the cells within the range of the field. The many types of cells in the human body are relaint on electrical energy – we are primarily electrical beings – to perform their many functions. The metabolic activity of each cell requires an ion exchange to take place to maintain life within the cell.  The heart is the organ that we are most familiar with that depends on electrical activity. We monitor the sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium levels in the body to check the balance of these minerals that are necessary for the heart to beat. The PEMF therapy helps to restore electrical balance to the cellular structures and body systems. It seems to open cell membrane channels that enhance healthy function.

PEMF stimulates cell ionisation processes – ionic migration. When cell function is enhanced essentials chemicals are transported through the cell walls.

The cell ionisation process is further enhanced by the presence of essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes and oxygen in the blood stream. 


The coil can be utilized for both acute and chronic situations – it is very effective on arthritis; pain, swelling and inflammation are reduced. Circulation increases thus bringing healing nutrients to the effected areas. Bone healing time is often considerably reduced with the regular use of PEMFs. Amazing positive results on bone fractures that were not meshing have been reported.  This is part due to the increased blood flow over the bone and resulting cellular stimulation and repair. Soft tissue injuries are responsive to magnetic field therapy.

It can also increase the metabolic rate and allow for better absorption of nutrients from food and supplements. Many find it relaxing and sleep quality improved. Naturally others applications are being looked at and studied as well. It helps to rebalance the body and allows for better detoxification. Other applications are being looked at and studied as well. 

As with most healing modalities, the effect is increased if incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.

We can all now benefit from the wonderful inventions from the great inventor Nikola Tesla.