Scalar Fields

Scalar Fields have intensively been studied with the purpose to heal humanity without the side effects of modern medicines.

Scalar Fields - Understand The Technology

What is Scalar and How it works?

Scalar Fields create zero-point energy of unlimited potentiel. This field cancels chaotic and often harmful incoming signals from the environment – EMF etc – allowing to create the perfect conditions for our cells to utilise their own innate wisdom for self-healing and wellness, also helping chakras and energy meridians match the biological equilibrium of nature. It is the energy of the sun and stars. 

Scalar fields are 5th dimensional non-linear fields and they exists out of relative time and space thus they do not decay over time  or distance from their source. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.

The last 10 years very advanced devices using Scalar technology have then been created and are now on the market. This website is presenting a selection of systems that use Scalar technology. Those systems are becoming more and more popular around the world.  

Some History & Science

Scalar energy was first discovered by Scottish  James Clerk Maxwell in 1831. He formulated the theories of electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields. In 1900s Nikola Tesla worked on Maxwell’s finding and proved the existence of Scalar Energy. Tesla discovered an electromagnetic wave. It can carry out lossless transmission of energy over vast distances, pass though solid metal objects with no loss of power, and transport energy without the need of wires. In this patent Tesla did not explain how it worked, nor did he give it a name. 

In the 21st century, it has now been called Scalar waves. They are instantaneous longitudinal waves that encompass the field. They do not propagate along an axis or have a direction, unlike electromagnetic waves, which are transverse, and travel along an axis in a known direction. Electromagnetic waves are vector waves whose power decrease over distance when passing through metal objects. Scalar waves offer a special feature that is not described by Tesla in his patents, which focuses on the transport of energy.

These waves are also able to convey information. This information can be from a healing substance – essentials oils etc.- sounds or frequency.

How Scalar Energy Work on Your Brainwaves & Body?

The brain has 4 brain waves – Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Scalar promotes the Alpha waves frequencies in the brain. The brain then resonates at the same frequency as the earth frequency. When we are at the same frequency as earth, health is restored in a naturel way. The alpha waves frequency is between 8 to 12 Hz. In human beings frequencies lower than 12 Hz are for relaxation. Higher frequencies correspond to anxiety or intense mental work. With Scalar energy it helps the brain to return to 8-12 Hz. If this frequency is transmitted through the body, this could assist the cells in the  body to achieve resonance which is essential to optimum health.

How Scalar Energy work in our body? Scalar Energy is responsible for the formation of DNA in all species of life, hence Scalar energy is a naturel treatment for human diseases to keep up in a health state. Scalar energy is a growth signal. Cells naturally move to their growth signal. Cells naturally move their growth signals and replication but are forced to retract or conserve the energy when repairing or feeling attacked. A cell cannot be in growth and protection mode at the same time. Our cells respond to our environmental signals as well as thoughts so with Scalar energy used as a shield we are protected from outside influences like EMF, thoughts and so on. Hence cells feel protected and growth is then possible.

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Benefits - Overview

  • Increase in energy – Fatigue reduction
  • Relaxation
  • Boost Immune System – prevents diseases
  • Increase Blood Circulation
  • Protect DNA Damage
  • Increase blood activity
  • Improve mental focus
  • Balance the two hemispheres of the brain
  • Better sleep – reduces insomnia
  • For stroke patients it increases  healing and quicker the recovery 
  • For diabetes patients it dropes sugar levels and the need for oral medication – over time
  • For serious illnesses it relieves the pain