What is HeartMath and How it can Help You to Increase Your Heart Coherence?

Heart coherence is a naturally occurring state. For most it often comes and goes depending on life situations. research shows we can intentionally learn to increase heart coherence.

HeartMath’s coherence building technology has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to facilitate this. The HeartMath technology guides you to heart coherence. It measures your heart coherence level in real time by measuring your heart rate variability – HRV – and displays your heart rhythm patterns using a Coherence biofeedback app and sensor.

It is exciting to see how your thoughts can affect your heart rhythms when practicing activities that increase heart coherence. The visual validation using the technology is both empowering and motivational. This unique experience is extremely valuable. It trains you to better know what coherence feels like – what increases it and what may reduce it.

Coherence Biofeedback gives you real-time insight into your emotional, mental and physical state. This increases your self-awareness and helps you to develop the ability to self-regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviors.


HeartMath was founded in 1991 by Dr Childe and aims to bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen the connection with others. It was the first to make HRV technology available to the public. It has remained the gold standard in HRV technology and coherence training. Getting heart coherence while using the technology. Using the technology 5 min each day can reduce and prevent the negative effect of stress. People report feeling more centered, composed and calm from a carryover effect after being in a coherent state for even a few minutes. 

There are several options of HeartMath to choose from to suit your personal and/or professional needs – emWave2, emWave pro, Inner Balance – Using this innovative tech along with practicing simple heart focus techniques will allow you to experience many benefits – mentally, emotionally and physically – that increased heart coherence can provide. HeartMath helps you to transform your stress into resilience, to achieve higher levels of performance and to live your life with more heart, health and happiness.

HeatMath’s mission is to awaken the heart of humanity. Their research has proven the credibility of heart coherence for facilitating sustainable changes at personal, social and global levels.

I have personally been using HeartMath during some of my mediations. I have discovered this device through Dr Joe Dispenza who was measuring the brain and heart coherence of his students during his meditation workshops. This device is very useful to practice breathing calmness through your heart centre. It helped me greatly to bring my mediations to an higher level. 

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Heart and Brain Coherence Explained

Contrairement to the main believe, the heart – that has its own intrinsic nervous system – sends more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart. Scientists have been refereeing to this as “The Little Brain in The Heart”. The heart can act independently of the brain in your head.

Heart and brain communicate with each other in a complex manner. Heartmath institute has demonstrated that different emotions states – represented by different patterns of heart activities – have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional functions. When we experience stress, worry and impatience – or others negative emotions – the heart pattern is erratic, disordered and incoherent resulting in impaired mental functioning or cortical inhibition. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember things, learn and make effective decisions. It is why when we are stressed we can make poor decisions.

In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states – like love, kindness, compassion, appreciation – the more it facilitates cognitive functions and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability. This means that learning to generate increased heart rhythms coherence by sustaining positive emotions, not only but only profoundly affect how we perceive, think, feel and perform.

Research shows that you can increase overall baseline of coherence in your system by practicing the activation of positive heart qualities, care, forgiveness, cooperation etc.

Through regular practices you can become more resilient during stressful situations as well as increase confidence and self-security when new challenges arise.

This is the intelligent of the heart.

Heartmath products, tools and techniques are based on 30 years of research on this topic. The company offers tips, techniques to increase your heart and brain coherence. 


Global Coherence Research

The Science of Interconnectivity

Global coherence research encompasses a large variety of scientific data to gain new insights into the interconnectedness  of humanity/animal health and behavior, and the sun and earth’s magnetic activity. The scientific community is just beginning to appreciate and understand the deeper level of how we are interconnected. We are getting closer to understand why and how magnetic fields generated by the sun and earth affect human health and behavior – and why it is important to know this.


Social Coherence Explained

Making coherent, heartfelt connections enhances harmonious relationships within families, teams, groups or organizations. This harmony creates coherent energetic field environments and has a positive, uplifting effect on social behaviors and interactions. It helps us feel better, safer and more comfortable, resulting in increased flow and energy efficiency in our communication.

Fascinating Study Finds that Love Synchronizes our Hearts with Each Other and the Earth

A global study, researchers at HeartMath Institute, along with collaborators in Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and England, set out to confirm whether people’s heart rhythms can synchronize with the rhythms in the resonant frequencies of the Earth’s magnetic fields. During the study, they made a game-changing discovery: practicing a simple heart-focused technique with love at its core synchronized the participants at a physiological level with each other and with the Earth itself.

Emerging as a Collective Consciousness

 In a similar  manner Dr Joe Dispenza’s research shows that after practicing the Walking Meditation for one hour, it’s possible to make significant changes in our brain and body that translate into other areas of our lives. Imagine a community of 1,000 or 2,000 people … collectively walking into our future … a more evolved version of ourselves and the impact on the world. When we walk as one mind and one heart, a higher consciousness emerges. We walk  with hearts and eyes wide open, releasing old stories to become an evolved version of ourselves. What’s possible if a collective community from around the world comes together for a walking meditation? One walk … one step … could change everything. Check Dr Joe Dispenza website to participate to a worldwide walking meditation.