Nikola Tesla
“If you want to find the secret of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations”- Nikola Tesla
Also modern scientists are just now beginning to understand this quote from Nikola Tesla, ancient civilisations around the world have known the power of sounds, frequencies and vibrations for thousands of years – see Mantra – “Mantra Meditation, Change your Karma with the Power of Sacred Sounds” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand – Healing music etc. Science is showing us that everything is energy – including us – and consequently the Universe is comprised of energies vibrating at different frequencies. This energy manifests from unseen frequencies, to the realm of dense physical matter depending on the rate of vibration. Take water for example. It can be observed in three different vibrational phases: steam, liquid or ice. Each are expression of water, yet because they vibrate at different energy frequencies, they take on different structures. In fact all physical matter is merely compressed energy.