Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Devices

In the space of biometric wearable devices we have seen massive revolutionary advancements, specially the last few years. While this website is not about those technologies I have decided to list some of the devices I have been using during my journey of self development. We can get daily data about the health and function of your brain and body. They are fun to use and very useful tools to practice heart coherence with HeartMath or exercise your brain regularly through neurofeedback training with Muse or Mendi, like you would do with your muscles. If this topic interests you and you wish to learn about the latest devices I suggest you check Dr Cody Rall from Techfrompsych He will keep you up to date with the latest technology in that field.  

Break patterns of anxiety with the help of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback. Learn new techniques to retain the heart-mind connection for greater resilience.

Muse EEG-powered Meditation & Sleep.  Muse is a wearable brain sensing headband. It measures your brains acitivity in real-time using EEG (Electroencephalographyl) sensors.

The headband Mendi is used to measure your brain activity in the prefrontal cortex. It uses fNIRS technology.