Tesla Biohealing

Tesla Biohealing -What it is and how it works?

Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices created their own environments of pure Life Force Energy, offering a much higher concentration of this natural healing force than is available in everyday environments. 

Once a person or pet is whiting this potent field of Life Force Energy, the body can absorb this vital energy at will and as needed just like it does everyday, only now there is much more available for the cells of the body to benefit from. Once the body is given enough Life Force Energy to work with, cellular self-repair mechanisms can begin to activate much faster and more profoundly than previously was possible. 

When you are using a Tesla BioHealing medical device, you are literally entering a new environment that the cells of your body can be nourished by, providing the body with the increased levels of energetic support necessary to activate self-healing. We rely on the body’s innate intelligence to prioritize what to do with this new level of Life Force Energy available versus sending specific frequencies through the body at specific times. Via a pre-activation process of natural materials, these medical devices generate a consistent sphere of pure Life Force Energy offering a highly concentrated healing environment for continual cellular support. Your body is the healer, we are simply offering more of what the cells ‘own healing capacities need in order to carry out their best work.

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What is Life Force Energy?

Life Force Energy, also known as Prana, Qi, Chi, or biophoton, is the energy that flows through all living things and keeps them alive. It is believed to be responsible for maintaining all physical functions, including life, heat, and health. Life force energy is the intelligent power that covers food matter, oxygen, and sunshine into living matter. It is the real sustainer of life for when the mind, body, and soul are depleted, they can only be recharged by this life force energy. It is regarded as the distinction between living and dead; dead people do not possess any Life Force Energy. Life Force Energy is believed to exist everywhere in different forms and is an essential nutrient for all living things. The level of Life Force concentration available in every day environments is often not enough to offer our cells the optimal level of support as we age or when become ill or injured. In other words, when we are lacking Life Force. Once the body is given adequate amounts of Life Force Energy to work with, cellular self-repair mechanisms can begin to activate much faster and more profoundly than previously possible.

The days when you feel energetic and fully refreshed are associated with full and healthy Life Force Energy, while exhausted Life Force Energy will make you tired and irritable. Hence, Life Force Energy is essential for our physical or mental wellness.

Life Force Energy is also known as Biophotons.


How Tesla BioHealing Products Work?

Advantages & Health Benefits



-Addresses many health conditions at once versus being limited to the conventional approach of a single condition

-Scientific data-driven study – & testimonials – demonstrate clinical outcomes that improve evereryday life quality

-Sharable: it benefits the health of the full family, pets included.


-no side effects have been reported amount 30,000+ users



-Simply place next to you to use and receive the benefits – perfect to us while spleeping, next to your bed

– preactivated and ready to use


-delivers the same natural Life Force Energy generated by our body

-Pure and strong enough Life Force Energy for systematic therapeutic healing

Some of the BioHealing Health Benefits

-Restorative Sleep

Facilitates improved recovery for optima brain function and immune system support

-Fresh Energy & Vitality

Improve performance naturally and enhance mood and relaxation to reduce stress.

-Physical Fitness and Modility

Restore joint motion and promote muscle and tissue recovery.

Others reported benefits:

-Pain reduction

-Mental Clarity

-Easier breathing

-Improved Digestion and Bowel Movement

-Vivid dreams (a sign of enhancement brain activity)

-Increased libido; stress reduction & relaxation

BioHealing Products
