
What is Healy?

Healy is the first device I came across when I started looking into holistic health and new healing technologies. So what is Healy? It is a frequency device, small, portable and is controlled by your phone – Apple or smartphone. Healy not only can deliver frequencies to your body but it can also measure your Bioenergy Field so you receive the benefit of the frequencies that are specific to you and only you.

The beauty about Healy is that it is small and portable. You can also do remote healing – using the principle of Quantum Entanglement. 

You might find a few years old videos, criticizing the company – not the product – but we have to put the criticism into context – Healy is only a few years old – stated in 2019. Having myself worked for corporates selling sometimes newly launched products I may appreciate the challenges – shipments, stocks, customer service, C19 etc. It seems that Healy has worked hard since resulting in a better customer service.


Healy Products

The Healy For Holistic Health

Healy is a frequency generator, small and portable. When purchasing Healy you have multiple program package groups to choose from. If you are on a budget you can start with the Healy Gold and upgrade overtime.

Healy devices come with electrodes and wrist bands to deliver frequencies through microcurrents. The Healy needs to be close to the body – it can be pinned on your clothes – it then goes in resonance with the field of your body through a quantum sensor which translates the entropy.

The device is charged through USB cable. Frequency range is 0.1 & 1 Megahertz.

To get started, tutorials are available on Youtube. They will show you how to access the programs you subscribed to. Basically it is through the QR code that you receive with your Healy. Costumed made programs – for example created by Timewaver practitioners – can be uploaded onto the Healy. The Healy app – available through the app store – will give you the details of each program – description, frequencies, durations etc. The connection and download to your programs is done through bluetooth but running them doesn’t require bluetooth.

Healy technology delivers spectrum or set of frequencies instead of ranges or single frequencies.


MagHealy and Healy, both can send magnetic energy into the field but MagHealy has a stronger field with wider range and it sends two frequencies at the same time – Healy sends only one at once. This is the main difference. MagHealy is designed to harmonize your being, your immediate environment, and drinking water and it is cable-free. MagHealy is complementary to the Healy and when they are used together great results have been reported. 

The MagHealy has a field of 5 feet from the centre of the device. You can use two MagHealy and place them in the same room – opposite directions – it will expend the field. If you use two MagHealy devices you will need two apps.

Various applications are available with the MagHealy:

– MagHealy Classic for health and wellbeing. For example applications are, regeneration, vitality, head harmony, joints, sleep, etc.

– MagHealy Water to imprint/activate your water with various frequencies. The activated water will support you during specific activities – fitness, relaxation – Vagus Harmony – skin, fasting etc. When charging your water, MagHealy needs to be on the top of the glass and it only takes 10 minutes.

– MagHealy Atmosphere. This module uses Quantum Analyzed Frequencies (QAF) with a pulsating magnetic field to harmonize your surrounding space. Designed to support you to feel good while performing your daily activities. Example of applications: creativity, relaxation, concentration etc.

– MagHealy McMakin

Developed by Carolyn McMakin, Doctor of chiropractic, an American teacher, researcher, developer of Frequency Specific Microcurrents (FSM) and author of “The Resonance Effect”. This application is superb as it uses dual frequencies to target various imbalances in the Bioenergetic Field.

Maghealy has two Quantum sensors. Frequency range is in between 0.1 & 12.5 Megahertz (MHz) – so larger frequency range than the Healy. At 10 MHz there is a powerful effect on the meridians and coherent domains of water in our body. The lights of the MagHealy are designed to have an IR (Infrared) effect on the body – beneficial against inflammation.

Healy Coil

The Coil can be used with the Healy and it doesn’t require to be connected to the body wiith the wrists – which sometimes can be inconvenient. Coils are based on the principal of Quantum Potential Frequencies (QPF). The individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) Healy programs are transmitted into Bioenergetic Field (BEF) of the user without cable. The Healy Coil is a complement to, rather than a substitute for, the cable electrodes. Cable electrodes are used both for influencing the Bioenergetic Field and for applying microcurrent to the physical body; whereas the Healy Coil can only be used for Healy IMF programs.

Healy Sofware Options

The difference in between those options is in the software. You can start with the Healy Gold and upgrade overtime. The device comes with electrodes and wrist bands to deliver the frequencies through microcurrents. You can charge the device through USB cable. It is adviced that you can use the device in between 5 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celcius for optimal conditions.

You will find many videos on Youtube on how to start the device and get access to the programs you subscribed to, which is done through the QR code you receive with your device.

You can get customed made progragms – for example by TimeWaver practitioners – that you can upload onto the Healy.

The app will give you the details of each program – frequencies, duration etc. You can download the description of each program through the app. Download the document here.

You will need to use bluetooth to connect to your programs but when running them.

Marcus Schmieke The Founder of Healy - Some History

Founder and inventor of the Healy and TimeWaver products, Marcus Schmieke, is both a physicist and a spiritual seeker. At an early age Marcus was already fascinated byQuantum Physic. He studied physics and philosophy at the University but soon realized that his studies won’t give him the answers to his questions : “What is the Universe?”, “Where do I come from?”etc.

He then went to India and became a Monk for 10 years. When he came back to society he spent the rest of his life to study the relationship between science and spirituality. He understood that science needs to be connected to spirituality. What keeps the body & mind together? what keeps the body and matter together?

They don’t exist without each other; the soul and body communicate through frequencies. In quantum physic everything is information and information is energy. This energy is put in a form of vibration and the quality and quantity of this vabration is frequency. If we look into matter we see frequencies. The Universe is also represented by frequencies. They are connecting spirit and matter.

Coming back from India, Marcus also started to ask himself “How can I bring a contribution to this world”? His encounter with the physicist Burkhard Heim, as well as his work on his own books about science and consciousness – The last Secret and the Field of Life – laid the theoretical foundation for the development of information Field Technology. Burkhard Heim studied both Heisenberg – the greatest  Quantum physicist – and Albert Einstein’s theory on general relativity and he developed a new concept of spacetime which is 6 dimensional – not 4 dimensional – So there is 2 additional dimensions above 4-dimensional Eistein spacetime. Burkhard Heim proved you need 2 additional dimensions if you want to connect Quantum physic and theory of relativity. Those two additional dimensions are called information field which means that behind this visible world there is an invisible field. This field organizes what you can see, evolution, the functions in our body and it contains the blueprint of our body and what we are, which includes our healthy body – your body remembers. In his book “The Field of Life” Marcus explained that the matter of life is important but behind there is a level of pure information. This information connects the field and our body through frequencies; in general term frequencies translate information to matter. Frequencies are like a language. 

So through an extensive examination of Heim’s model of the multiple dimensional structure of the Universe, Marcus Schmieke gained a deep understanding of the physical information field. Through Quantum process our body is constantly connecting to the field of life. You can actually get the information down from the 5th and 6th dimension – from the field of life – to the 3rd dimensional space within time. The 4th dimension is in between, it is time. Before Burkhard Heim passed away. Marcus promised him he would use his knowledge for the best of humanity. “With great knowledge comes great responsibility”.

With 6 years in the making he developed his first healing device: the Timewaver, used by health professionals only and is quite bulky.

Marcus then, in 2010, met Dr Nuno Nina, medical practitioner and who has a long-life of practical research about the language of frequencies. Nuno has developed libraries of the effects of frequencies on consciousness – more than 144,000 frequencies. Both Marcus and Nuno decided to bring their knowledge together and it is how the Healy came into life – it took nearly 9 years mainly because of the device’s certifications. The company Healy was launched in 2019.

Marcus also met Carolyn McMakin. She was a practitioner and researcher. She found 80,000 frequency combinaisons that were used with the MagHealy – most recent Healy’s device.

The Healy did not need to be sold through network marketing given the company’s existing worldwide sales network for its professional line of medical devices, but Marcus wanted to be of service to as many people as possible. So if someone wants to be more than simply a satisfied customer, they now also have the opportunity to start their own Healy business.