iTeraCare - The Technology
The iTeraCare terahertz wave frequency is found between far Infrared (IR) and microwave with a wavelength between 30 and 3000 microns which is the same wavelength absorbed by the human cells. When cells are irradiated by terahertz frequency it rapidly enhances energy into the human body and activate human cells. Its radiant energy is only one-forty of sunlight and one thousandth of a mobile phone frequency. Research shows that it is completely safe for the human body absorption. The penetration of the tera hertz frequency is able to reach 20 to 30 cm under the skin, internal organs and bone marrow constantly, unclogging and cleansing the blood vessels and lymph in the body. Thus, simultaneously, improves microcirculation, reduces coldness, promoting skin nourishment, repair unhealthy and damages tissues, removes necrosis, healing of internal organs and further strengthening the cells. The principal treatment of iTeraCare is to unclog capillaries to enhance the body and cells to function healthily.
The device has been patented, stringently tested and certified. It intelligently identifies healthy and bad cells. Good cells will pass thru the device’s consistent frequency and temperature and bad cells will be liquified by the heat which will be expelled by the body through sweat, urinary and defecation with preventative and protective functions against human diseases.
There are 3 devices to choose from – as shown on the picture:
1 – Classic Device – in Red
2 – Premium Device – in the middle
3 – Pro Device – on the right
Differences between Classic, Premium & Pro – Click Here
I just found out that iTeraCare was launching a new device called “ïTeraCare Premium Plus” that is supposed to replace the Premium device This is an exciting news! The device is purple and more powerful than the premium, I have been informed. Amazingly it is also less expensive. Watch this space, more info coming soon!
iTeraCare Device Has an Unique 3 in 1 Core Technologies
Low volume frequencies of terahertz, that penetrates in your body. Has the same resonance as our healthy cells & dormant cells so activating those cells and eliminating bad, mutating, cancer cells and free radical in the process. For more information on Terahertz – click here.
Quantum Energy
Quantum Energy generates Scalar energy that energizes our cells, increases energy and passes thru any objet thru quantum entanglement.
Optical Quartzes
Quartz technology helps to protect the frequency into your body. It amplifies the frequency generated by the device. Made by hundred of exclusive mineral ingredients. The crystal energy tube is its core component and is casted together with more than 100 traces elements through high temperature molding technology. It mimics 1/40 of the sunlight energy. It strengthen auric fields in the body.
iTeraCare - Basic Protocole
1 -Start with drinking two glasses of iTeraCare structured water – I personally add two pinces of sea salt – they recommend warm water rather than cold
2 – Wait for 20 to 30 minutes before starting your treatment
3 – Heat anticlockwise all the acupuncture points as described in the video – 2 to 3 minutes for each point. I personally use a stand when wandering my neck and back.
4 – Finish with treating the area of interest – minimum 20 minutes.
5 – Drink 2 glasses of iTeraCare structured water – I, here as well, add 2 pinces of salt – sea salt.
Note: if you don’t have the time to do all recommended acupuncture points before treating the area of interest, try to at least blow your feet and hands.
Acupuncture points are divided are fellow:
– chakra & reflexology points : palms, soles and top of the head
– lymphatic points : knees, groin, armpit, lymph & elbow pit (not on the picture)
– 2 main meridian channels : back & front (front needs to be blown downward)
You can also heat your spine to activate your stem cells in the bone marrow – more information click here.
iTeraCare Benefits
iTeraCare device is very effective treatment for 3 major sub-health problems:
– Inflammation
-Skin disorders
iTeraCare is very effective to improve microcirculation and remove blockages. Traditional chinese medecine believes that the main causes of pain are blockages of blood and Qi Energy. If you experience pain while using the device they suggest to keep iTera blowing the point of attention until the pain is gone.
To summurize some of the main advantage of iTeracare are:
Elimination unhealthy cells
Terahertz frequency resonates and activates our healthy cells. All unhealthy, bad and abnormal cells will be absorbed and eliminated.
Best against various inflammations
Rhinitis, pharyngitis, gastritis, gynecological inflammation, prostatis etc.
Activates inert cells
Terahertz will activate and absorb cells, with moderate temperature thus eliminating dormant cells.
Increase self-healing ability
Induces and strengthen DNA and organic molecules and resonates with our cells thus enhance self-healing.
Clear meridians and lymph points
Unlock meridians, stimulate acupuncture points, purify blood and increase metabolism.
Improves microcirculation
Dilates blood vessels, reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity.
Regulates glands
Regulates endocrine glands, and protects organs.
Removes body humidity - water retention
Blood circulation
Cleans blood impurities. Cleans inner body. Promotes blood circulation and removes clots. Soften blood vessels and lumps.
Removes toxins and harmful substances in the body
Replenish the body with the yang aura energy
Activates the stem cells in the bone marrow
The activation is coming from the heat of the wand by blowing the spine 15-20 min every day – see research done on Terahertz and activation of the stem cells through heat – Russian Scientists.
Eliminates various ache and discomfort in the body
Shoulder and neck pain, lower back pain, headache, dysmenorrhea, sciatica etc.
Great for skin beautification
Acne, scars, blemishes, anti-aging, beauty and various skin disorders etc.
Charge Your Water with iTeracare
You can charge water with your iTeraCare wand by blowing a glass bottle or glass of water – the recipient needs to be glass and the water needs to be purified by distillation or filtration – for at least one minute – the volume of water doesn’t matter, one minute is generally sufficient.
What happens when you charge the water?
- The energy of the water is higher and more stable
- The water can neutralize free radicals, increase oxygen content and restore the vitality of the water.
- It restructures the water molecules – structured alignement of water molecules which allows it to be absorbed more easily into our cells.
Differences between Classic, Premium and Pro Wands
Classic Wand
iTeraCare Classic wand 2.0 – 5th Gen Model – Released December 2022.
600-800 Watts, built more affordable to allow for getting into more households at a lower price point, still as effective just not built as study, takes a bit longer for treatments, will shut off after one hour of use to cool down. Perfect for a few users.
3 settings:
– Low speed, low heat
– High speed, low heat
– High speed, high heat
Premium Wand
iTeraCare Premium Wand 2.0 – 5th Gen Model – Released Jun 2022
600-650 Watts, built sturdier than Classic, reported quiter than both others models, longer lasting, comes in hard protective case well-padded with locks on the outside. Cool down mode which means you cannot switch back on for 5 min after each use.
2 settings:
– Low speed, low heat
– High speed, high heat
Heat settings are much higher than the Classic Wand.
Perfect for health practitioners, healers, large families, etc.
Pro Wand
iTeraCare Pro wand – 3rd Gen Model – Released in 2019.
1200 – 1500 Watts, built for more continuous use – like in clinical settings or large families or outreach – for multiple applications, requires less time for treatemnts due to its higher power, results are much faster. It is quieter than the Classic wand. Comes in hard protective case well padded with locks on the outside.
4 settings:
– Low speed, low heat
– High speed, low heat
– High speed, high heat
– No heat, low speed (cool)
iTeraCare - The Inventors & the Company Behind the Technology
In 2014 Bio-medical Scientist Yang Wen Jun successfully invented the first Terahertz device in the world. In 2015 Yang Wen Jun founded DeShang Health Technology Company, the manufacturer of iTeraCare and one of the top terahertz technology research and developemnt institutions in China. This technology went through 6 years of D&D. In 2021, DeShang appointed Prife international as the Exclusive Global Sole Distributor. For more information : Prife international.
Today iTeraCare is distributed and used over 50 regions globally.
Prife Company Profile
1 – Dr. Jimmy Chong (DBA), Company Co-founder & Group Vice President
2 – Dr. Steven Lai (DBA), Company Founder & Group President
3 – Mr. Kacy Tan, Group General Director
4 – Mr. A C Goh, Group Chairman
Yang Wen Jun - iTeraCare Device Inventor
Review of iTeraCare Wand After 2 Months of Use
In this video this Reiki healer gives you a review of the iTeracare wand after using it for about 2 months. Highly recommended – it explains that the wand is a very powerful tool but you remain the healer.
Insight From an Acupuncture and Chinese Medecine Practitioner - Dr Kym
Dr. Kym Shares how to begin using iTeracare products. Dr Kym Caporale, DACM shares her experience with the device with her patients. She goes over how to structure water using the wand, how to use the basic protocol and why it is useful.
Meet Tammy and Hear her Experience With the Wand.
Tammy has a very moving iTeraCare wand testimonial. She had a lot of trauma her whole life and the 3 years ago she had a traumatic injury falling 10 feet onto the top of a car. This put her into severe pain – physically and emotionally. She is a courageous woman dedicated to her healing and knew she had to do things differently than what she was recommended to do. She decided to get an iTeraCare wand. Listen to her experience.
A great testimonial on how iTeraCare helped Mr. Justin Kenang
Testimonial on how iTeraCare helped Mr. Justin Kenang to walk again as well as his ongoing gout issues.
Kimberly's Rivera's Review
Kimberly explains how she lost weight, healed her ankle and many others benefits she has received from using her iTerCcare wand.
What is Terahertz Frequency (THZ)?
This is in between the electron and the photon. It is not microwave or lightwave so it is in between the microwave and the IR when we talk about the spectrum of frequencies. It’s called terahertz. This was discovered in 1980s by the American scientists but the history tells you that in the 1950s a scientists founds a frequency that can heal human beings and after a few months he was assassinated – unsurprisingly. In 1980s this frequency was discovered again and called the wave of life; Japanese scientists called it the the Light of Life and Chinese scientists called it the terahertz as God’s waveband because it has the same vibrational frequency liking the human cells of the physical body. The frequency is between 2 to 17 Terahertz which is very good for the physical body. They also call it non-ionizing frequency because it doesn’t hurt the physical body. Scientists are using it in medical aviation, drinking water and in 2004 the US government named the Terahertz one of the top 10 technologies that will change the world. So that what Terahertz resonance does in the physical body, when you match the same frequency as your healing cells that start to vibrate – hundred million of vibrations per second. So the terahertz charges the cells. This is a cells charger.
How Terahertz Work When Using The iTeraCare Device?
Through heat, it goes through the optical quartz crystal; it produces a terahertz frequency through convection current; it is then transmitted directly to your skin – it is why it is suggested to remove your clothes when doing a session. There are 3 settings to lower the heat; the higher the heat, the more efficient is the healing. It will then make the cells to vibrate and with the help of the quantum technology it amplifies the energy signature around it making it even more powerful and effective. The aura is increased when using iTeraCare – Kirlian Photography. The aura is like the biofield. We are literally the light of this world – dead food like meat or unhappy/sick people have small aura – there is no much energy. If you take an aura photograph of a person healthy and full of joy, the aura is bright. This is what a Terahertz can do to your cells. A bad cell has around 20 to 5 millivolts (mV), a weak cell 50-60 mV. according to the Science – a normal cell is 80-100 mV. So the terahertz recharges the weak cells to an healthy state and the bad cells start to die in the process because of the resonance.
To summarize, the modes of action are:
- Actively find and protect the good cells
- Actively find and eliminate the bad cells